Monday, November 15, 2010

What is the effect of storing paints in unheated buildings in winter?

The first signs of winter were well and truly with us this morning with ice on cars and frost on the ground. You may be wondering whether storing paints at sub-zero temperatures (in a garden shed for instance) would affect them.

Well, the answer is no. We know this because for a number of years Toms hobby room was a wooden summer house located in his back garden and it suffered a number of cold, cold East Anglian winters without imparting any effect whatsoever on the paints, glue etc. In fact the cold may have even slowed the deterioration of the paints because of the reduction of evaporation risk.

Obviously using the paints at cold temperatures may cause an issue so we would suggest heating your hobby room in good time before starting work to heat the place up.

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