Monday, August 2, 2010

Modelling Tip: How to help make your transfers super clear

There is a really simply trick I read about recently. To help make the transparent parts of decals clearer simply dip them in 50:50 Johnsons Klear & water solution before you apply the decals to your model.
I can only think that what this does is help the decal sit better on the surface of the model, but also coat both sides with a solution that acts in a similar way to a varnish, to allow the light through without distortion, thereby reducing the silvering effect that is often a risk with some decals.
However I would not forget about the basics of decal application as explained in my post of a few weeks ago:

A competition winner's completed model!

We received a an email recently from one of our competition winners, 'David M'. Here is a snippet of his email.
“Having finished the model I purchased with the money I received in the prize draw , it is the first boat I have built and I think it is my best attempt yet. It has taken me longer than I have spent on building any two planes. I must say I have enjoyed the process and I think I might be persuaded to try build another boat of the same type”.
It is really nice to hear back from customers about the projects they have been working on and also to see the fantastic finished results.
Here is are a some great pictures of David’s model.
We'd love to hear from more of you, just send an email with your story to together with some pictures.